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Master & Doctoral Consortium

The EOMAS Master & Doctoral Consortium (EOMAS-DC) is a workshop for master and doctoral students whose research is related to the EOMAS research topics at any stage in their thesis. Its main objective is to help the students with their thesis by giving feedback on their own research work as well as to give some general advice on making the most of their research environment.

EOMAS organizers will accompany the EOMAS-DC. At least two reviewers will study each paper and comment on the content of the thesis as well as on the presentations. The students will have 20-30 minutes for their presentations, focusing on its main aspects, current state and main results. Another 15-20 minutes will be reserved for discussion and feedback from both the members of the referee board and the other students.

When submitting a paper for the EOMAS-DC, you have to think, write and convince people about validity and perspectives of your work from the perspective of Design Science research methodology. In return, you will receive feedback, guidance and support. Not only will you learn from the discussions about your own work, but also from other students in action! The best way to learn how to present your work may be from seeing both good and bad examples. So, the EOMAS-DC provides a friendly and supportive forum for such experiences.

Different from other papers, your paper addresses specifically your thesis where you basically must be able to explain the following aspects:

  • What particular problem did I front in my work?
  • Why this problem is important for stakeholders?
  • Why this problem has not been completely solved by existing research?
  • What have I done in my thesis?
  • Why my thesis is great?

To apply for presentation at the EOMAS-DC, please submit a paper based on your thesis by uploading it to the EasyChair System. The papers will then be distributed among the members of the referee board in order to review them. Submissions must conform to Springer’s LNBIP format and should not exceed 10 pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can be found at Springer LNBIP Web page. In the author section of the paper, the first name and affiliation should be of the student. The supervisor(s) names and affiliations should follow with the respective role (e.g., main supervisor, or co-supervisor) between brackets after the name. In the Easychair system submission only the student should be specified as author.

Your submitted paper should

  • clearly formulate the research question,
  • identify the significant problems in the field of research,
  • outline the current knowledge of the problem domain, as well as the state of existing solutions,sketch the research methodology that is or will be applied,
  • present clearly any preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the results achieved so far,
  • point out the contributions of the applicant to the problem solution, and
  • state in what aspects the suggested solution is different, new or better as compared to existing approaches to the problem.

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness, and clarity. No more than 6 papers can be accepted for presentation. The accepted papers will be published on EOMAS website.

Important Dates

Abstract submission: April 1, 2019 (not mandatory*)
Paper submission: April 22, 2019
Acceptance notification: May 13, 2019
Camera Ready May 31, 2019
Doctoral Consortium: June 4 2019

* however please submit your abstract as soon as possible to facilitate review assignment preparation



Pavel Malyzhenkov, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Nizhni Novgorod, Russia)

Advisory Board

Robert Pergl, Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic)
Eduard Babkin, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Nizhni Novgorod, Russia)
Dmitriy Kudryavtsev, St. Petersburg University (Russia)
Lock, Russell, Loughborough University (United Kingdom)
Vojtech Merunka, Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic)
Evgeniy Zaramenskikh, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Ulrich Frank, University of Duissburg-Essen (Germany)

Papers Accepted

Please contact Robert Pergl for more information
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